More and more, shopping is being done in the comfort of our own homes. It is much easier to sit at the computer and get all of your Christmas shopping done in an hour as opposed to spending days going from store to store looking for something for everyone on your list.
Shopping for ugly Christmas sweaters is becoming more of an online thing too. For example, when you visit our site uglychristmassweater.com, what do you think we would have for sale? You got it…ugly Christmas sweaters. These aesthetically-challenged poor excuses for apparel bring us right back to childhood. When Santa was real (though the one at the mall generally smelled like malt liquor and cigarettes), the smells of pine tree and the two weeks of no school made this the best time of the year. And yes, there was always the dreaded sweater we got (usually from grandma). Somehow that sweater is back in the form of an ugly Christmas sweater! We have them in all shapes and sizes with designs that range from traditional to movie inspired to adult themed…sort of…in a elfish kind of way. We have something here for every taste up to and including for the Scrooge in your life. You know there is one in your life…everybody has at least one. If you want to change it up a bit, our cardigan style allows more flexibility in terms of venues you can wear this to (it can actually pass as an almost-normal sweater). The sweaters that you will find here (these include sweatshirts and even a couple of “belly” sweatshirts) are all pretty reasonably priced and if you happen to order more than $50 worth of sweaters then we ship them free of charge. You will even find sweaters in our product line that light up…bring ugly and head turning ability to a new level. One thing that everyone knows about ugly Christmas sweaters is that they act as ice breakers and can be conversation starters no matter where you are. By the way, when you visit our site and find a sweater that you would like to purchase you can do so right on the site or over the phone. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can call or email us. Whatever method you choose, pleas e let us know how we can make your ugly xmas sweater purchase easier and more enjoyable. Honestly, were you aware that there is an online store open all year around that is dedicated to nothing but ugly Christmas sweaters? Now you know. When you buy an ugly Christmas sweater, we are your source! So shop around choose something, cuz we're bringing ugly back!