This holiday season, you and/or your office can make a difference while having fun!

Order Your Ugly Sweater
The ALS Association Michigan Chapter is asking corporations and individuals across Michigan to get ugly during the holiday for ALS! This year, order an ugly holiday sweater with a special ALS patch. X% of sales will go directly to The ALS Association Michigan Chapter.
Host a Party
Next, host a #GetUgly day at work sometime in the month of December where all participants wear their selected ugly sweater. Everyone in your office who donates $10 to the The ALS Association Michigan Chapter, can wear their sweater all day at the office, and participate in a special team building exercise in the afternoon.
Grab some holiday cookies, some punch, and have fun as you do something great for a truly ugly disease, ALS. ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is a fatal disease, which has no cure.
Share the Fun
Be sure to share the fun through social media by posting a video or photo of your team in their ugly sweaters. Be sure to use #GetUgly! Participate in a contest to spell out #GetUgly using your own colleagues to form the letters. Yes, a human representation of #GetUgly. Challenge another office to top yours by getting Ugly for ALS!
Individuals can participate in a #SpreadLove challenge. Wear your ugly sweater while visiting a loved one. Make sure you tell them how much they mean to you and say I love you! Post a picture on social media using the hashtags #SpreadLove and #GetUgly.
Don’t forget to tag us on Twitter @ALSAMichigan and on Facebook @ALSMichigan.
ALS is an ugly disease. This holiday season, let’s all #GetUgly and defeat ALS!
About The ALS Association Michigan Chapter
The ALS Association is the preeminent organization and catalyst in directiong, funding, and promoting ALS research. The ALS Association is a leading advocate and voice for the ALS Community and a recognized authority and trusted resource of information and education about ALS.
The Michigan Chapter focuses on supportive care services, medical equipment loans, educational outreach, national advocacy efforts, and patient care programs and initiatives. The chapter provides funding and care staff to ALS Certified Centers such as The University of Michigan ALS Clinic, Henry Ford Health Systems Harry J. Hoenselaar ALS Clinic and Hauenstein ALS Clinic. Additionally, the chapter provides patient support staff to Bronson ALS Clinic and Spectrum ALS Clinic.
We work under the mission “to lead the fight to cure and treat ALS through global, cutting edge research, and to empower people with Lou Gehrig’s disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support.”