Christmas Links

- All Things Christmas - This is the go-to place for all online things Christmas!
- North Pole - Activities and ideas for celebrating Christmas for kids, parents and teachers.
- - Christmas - The History Channel takes you therough the holiday's past!
- Wiki - Christmas - Speaks for itself. What would we do without Wikipedia?
- Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer - Rudolph's Wiki page. What would Xmas be without him?
- Saint Nicholas - Learn the history of Sanctus Nicolaus!
- Frosty the Snowman - If you're no familiar with Frosty, it's time for a crash course!
- Ugly Christmas Sweater on Wikipedia - Read about our company History
- USA Today - Retailers turn ugly holiday sweaters into big business -
- CNN Money - These ugly Christmas sweaters are worth millions
- Christmas Songs - Database of Christmas songs, lyrics, and more
- D.I.Y. Ideas - Large list of Christmas DIY ideas from cards to gifts
- Rudolph Resources - All you need to know about Rudolph
- Christmas Trivia - Lots of Christmas quizzes to test your knowledge of Christmas facts!